This morning felt like Halloween weather – in the 50s overnight with just a hint of a chill in the air early this morning. Beautiful day with little or no breeze (a rarity for Nebraska).
First a small order of business: I recently received a puzzling email addressed to me and also – allegedly – sent by me. The note’s content was a solicitation for a political candidate running for office. If any others have received an email ostensibly sent from me that solicits a donation for a politician of any variety, please know that I did not send it. I am not at all into that sort of thing.
Just a small bit of writing news regarding The YouTube Candidate fiction novel. The publishing company intends to reach out with a news release and communicate directly with book store outlets across the country. I had expected that to take place earlier in the process but I suppose later is better than never. I reminded them (it’s a British company) that release during the political campaign would be very timely; campaign coverage in the U.S. seems all-encompassing. It is the lead story in almost every newscast – local as well as national – that I turn to and all too often it’s the dominant topic in private conversations as well. I expect that peak interest to at least carry through the election next month and the presidential inauguration in January. I got back a thoughtful note from them advising that they would accelerate their campaign with news releases and information for book stores. I hope it will have the right effect. Most of all, I hope the people that do read it – that likely readership of 12 people worldwide that I have mentioned before – will enjoy the story.
The publisher’s protocol is that individual bookstores have to request copies of the book. They do not automatically send new releases or work through a distributor. So, I tested their information with a trip to the local Barnes & Noble. The store manager said she had a customer inquire about the book the previous day. She immediately ordered a supply for the store. I felt so good about that – so good that I walked next door to the HyVee grocery store and had a cup of coffee and a large glazed cinnamon roll. There are some things in life that have to be properly celebrated.
Meanwhile, the military history book seems to be percolating along pretty well. The only action this month was final selection of the photo that will appear on the cover. Release date is still far in the future – June 17 of next year if all continues to go well. As we get closer to that date, there will be a lot more action with final proofs, edits, and so forth. It is always a busy and hectic time. I have occasionally been known to swear (both literally and figuratively) that I will never go through that #%@ again. Each time, though – so far at least – when the completed book is at last in my hands, I have decided that maybe one more would be okay. I do think though that the military history book may be the last one. Time is not an ally and while at this point, I can still remember how to get to the computer, I’m thinking that it may be about time to focus on short stories as the inspiration strikes, or ride off into the sunset.
While browsing through Barnes & Noble several days ago, I picked up a copy of Stephen King’s latest book. I’m not really a major fan, but I’ve read a couple of his books and years ago especially enjoyed one of his early ones - The Stand. This latest one (released last year) is titled Holly. It is relatively short by his normal standards (446 pages). As usual, there are kinky elements to the story. {Do not read further if you would prefer not to know the outcome.} This one extends over several years. The main perpetrators of the kinkiness are a married couple, both retired university professors, who are what I would call “closet cannibals.” It for sure is not your typical Agatha Christie or Mickey Spillane -type mystery. If you are a King fan, you will enjoy it. As usual, his work is well written and interestingly plotted with some unusual twists.
Well folks, along with other shortages in this country, there is apparently an absence of really good Halloween puns. Seriously, none that I could find were good enough (that is, bad enough) to make the cut for the newsletter. In the absence of material that meets my exacting standards, I decided to reprise last year’s material. Hope you won’t mind. In the meantime, I will launch a dedicated search for better material for Halloween 2025.
Warning: Viewer’s discretion is advised. These are totally bad.
Why did the scarecrow get a promotion? He was outstanding in his field.
What did the skeleton bring to the potluck dinner? Spare ribs.
Why did the headless horseman go to college? He wanted to get a head.
Where does a ghost go on vacation? Mali boo.
So bad.
Best wishes, always