This is just a brief note to let everyone know that there will not be an update to the website newsletter this month. (Please hold down the cheering, the noise is waking up the cat.) Sorry for the delay in letting everyone know. We’ll resume transmissions on schedule in early November.
I have been working on some short-notice material to get to the publisher – responses to questions, reference cites, etc., that have involved page by page review and occasional rewrites. That obligation has been further complicated by some computer issues, and possible system incompatibility problems with the publisher’s equipment. If all goes well, I will tell that story in next month’s update. There also has been a mysterious health malady that seems to refuse to go away. It is probably related to that troublesome disease called “old age.”
When I mentioned to colleagues that this month’s newsletter would be cancelled some insisted that, at the minimum, Halloween puns needed to be sent. Those are included below. You actually get twice as many for the usual exorbitant price – I have included those that would have appeared in the newsletter in addition to those planned for the update advisory note.
Warning: Viewer’s discretion is advised. These are really bad.
Why did the headless horseman go to college? He wanted to get a head.
Where does a ghost go on vacation? Mali boo.
What do you call a ghost that haunts small hotels? An inn spector.
Why did the scarecrow get a promotion on Halloween? He was outstanding in his field.
What did the skeleton bring to the potluck dinner? Spare ribs.
Why did the vampire join the police force? So he could learn how to get a stake out.
What type of street does a vampire live on? A dead end.
So bad.
Hope you are well. Best wishes, as always,